I did a speech on Earth Day!
I did an Earth Day speech at my school - in front of 360 kids in the elementary school - to raise awareness about my project Pennies for Penguins. Here's my speech:
My name is Anya Gupta and this is how I got the ideas of helping penguins: In Kindergarten we had to do a penguin report and while doing that report I learned that penguins are endangered and I wanted to do something my parents helped me think about it and we chose the world wildlife fund ( WWF ) to save them. Here are are some facts about the penguin:
There are 12 million penguins in Antarctica and that is not even close to enough!!!
All 17 species of penguins are found exclusively in the southern hemisphere
Millions of penguins starve to death due to global warming in Antarctic ocean
It is claimed that certain penguin populations are still dropping by a rate of up to 40% since 1989 due to recent warming!
I started Pennies For Penguins when I learned in Kindergarten that the Penguins are endangered. I decided to adopt 1000 penguins to save them from losing their habitats - I raise funds to adopt more penguins.
Millions of penguins starve to death due to global warming in Antarctic ocean
I realized that every time I walk into restaurants - like a Thai restaurant or Tijuana Flats - they would give my brother and I plastic cups with lids AND straws - and every time all this plastic would go in the trash! I decided one simple way my brother and I could save the planet - take our own Sippy Cups into restaurants every time we leave the house! Join #TheSippyCupRevolution by actively choosing to take a reusable cup of water when you leave the house and always say no to plastic, styrofoam, and straws at every restaurant you go to - post a picture and use the hashtag so we can teach kids all over the world that we as kids can all do this!
I know we can all save this planet together - If each one of us starts now by refusing single use plastic, we can save millions of Animal Habitats, including the Penguins!