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About Anya


When Anya learned about Penguins in her classroom for her first book report in Kindergarten, she learned that there were so many predators and ways for penguins to become extinct.  She decided to collect money to save these penguins.  She has saved 9 penguins through Defenders of Wildlife and can't wait to save even more!  She wants to save 10 more penguins this year!  She only needs $280 to go!


Anya is a precocious, happy, healthy 8-year old who lives in Florida.  She recycles, eats healthy, and wants everyone to help prevent penguins from dying.  She wants to save all the penguins in the world and one day hopes to visit Antarctica as well. 

Recently she went to the 4 ocean beach cleanup. And learned that people are making metal straws instead of plastic ones. She played the game are you smarter than the sea Turtle.

I co-hosted a beach clean-up 


I co-hosted a beach clean-up at Sandoway Discovery Center and The Great American Beach Cleanup during Earth Week - it was great because I invited everyone from my school and my brother's school to join us!


I live in Florida and learned it's the job of coastal cities and states like mine to keep cleaning up our beaches, reduce littering, and do our part to prevent ocean wildlife from eating our trash and suffering because of it!

This is just a small sample of what my family and I collected at The Great American Beach Cleanup that we supported. 

We also attended the 4Ocean 2nd Anniversary Beach Cleanup and I was so surprised to see HOW MUCH we collected there as a group - it was AMAZING!

Thanks for helping me adopt 15 penguins so far!

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